While the mouse is away…

Munchkin has gone to stay with her aunty for a few days. We only said goodbye a few hours ago and I’ve already threatened to shower the cat and read her a bedtime story.

showered cat

The cat last time I showered her – she still hasn’t forgiven me…

I’m really pleased that the Animal Agents Summer Reading Challenge is being held in libraries nationally. It means that Munchkin can continue the challenge in Warwickshire with her cousin – they’re both on book three of six so I think they’ll complete it well before they go back to school in September.

Other activities that Munchkin’s aunt and uncle have lined up for her in Warwickshire include:

  1. Ryton Pools Country Park
  2. Hatton Country World
  3. Conkers indoor and ourdoor play in the National Forest
  4. Plantasia & Maze World

Meanwhile, her daddy and I will be having a rare evening out without having to worry about a babysitter. We’re planning on checking out the recently opened Establo Lounge and much less new La Cucina in Rustington.

Being Munchkin-less for a few days will hopefully give me the chance to catch up on some writing. Number one on the list is to find an agent and submit Sky Man. I decided not to go with the original agent as they stopped posting on social media last year and I was concerned they could be in difficulties. I’m now considering a more established agent who has made it clear that they take debut writers. I signed up for Absolute Write, and will be checking them out on there but am slightly more confident about this agency as they are active on Twitter and have signed a few big names.

I’ll also be doing some blogging this week. I noticed someone asking for guest bloggers to post whilst she’s on holiday. There’s some overlap with my blog so I think I’ll volunteer. After a suggestion by SJ Higbee in response to my ranty post about the low number of hits I’m getting, I’m going to start reblogging posts that I find interesting – mainly those connected to creative writing or parenting. If you are blogger and would be happy for me to reblog you, or if you’d like me to write a guest post on your blog, please let me know.

6 thoughts on “While the mouse is away…

  1. Pingback: For the first time in forever… | Dog Days and Delights

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